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Authorwave & School Stavrakos Co-operation

The future of film production in Greece is looking very promising. It is our duty to support it. This conviction is part of AUTHORWAVE’s philosophy, therefore we came up with ways to be even more active in other levels beyond our continuous investments.

“The essence of the future can be found where new film and television ideas are born; with the Younger Generation. Its strengthening and support was a key element and an integral part of our vision”, says Panos Bisdas, CEO/Founder of AUTHORWAVE.

“Stavrakos Hellenic Cinema and Television School firmly believes in  the dynamic of the audiovisual field and aims at continuously strengthening and utilizing the skills of new creators”, states Program Director Mrs. Gianna Lambropoulou.

We are extremely happy because we share the same vision with Stavrakos School/H.C.T.S.S  – this historic School for Cinema and Television – since we believe in the necessity of cinema training in all levels.

Together we have planned ways of fortifying students, in order to offer them more aids for their future. Namely, AUTHORWAVE will offer:

– Masterclasses

Hands-on masterclasses around the Audiovisual and Color Grading fields, offered by Panos Bisdas – CEO/Founder and experienced colorist team.

– Field trips at AUTHORWAVES studios

Visitations at AUTHORWAVE’s state-of-the-art studios. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the available technology and the potential of audiovisual mediums, as well as the past, present, and future of Post Production.

– Award

This year, the H.C.T.S.S AWARD powered by AUTHORWAVE will be awarded to one of the School’s students (all departments) who will receive color grading services for their film.

– Company training and scholarship provided by AUTHORWAVE

One or two graduates will receive company training and full-time employment after evaluation at AUTHORWAVE. The position is available for a specific time span with the option for renewal based on evaluation.


A Few Words on Stavrakos School/ HTCSS

The School for Cinema and Television Lykourgos Stavrakos (est. 1950) is the first Cinema School in  Greece.

It is one of the first founding members of the International Association of Cinema, Audiovisual and Media Schools (CILECT) and has voting privileges for the European Film Awards (EFA) Awards. The School’s syllabus, organization and structure are completely in tune with the modern vibe of the international audiovisual industry, aiming at the continuous expansion of the cinema training. Its graduates and alumni have claimed high distinctions in Greece and abroad, taking part in the world’s largest film events, like the Cannes Festival and the American Academy of Cinema OSCAR awards.

There are three departments at Stavrakos School, all of which of a three-year span: the department of Film & Television Direction, department of Cinematography and the department of Art Direction.



AUTHORWAVE provides high quality audiovisual services for cinema, television and digital platforms (OTT). Since 2007 and its founding by Panos Bisdas, it offers:

Post Production
  • Digital Cinema Theater – Color Grading
  • SDR | HDR Broadcast Suites Color Grading
  • Dolby Atmos – Sound Mix & Design
  • DCP Mastering
  • Deliverables
  • Dubbing 
  • Subtitling 
  • Transcription
  • Metadata

AUTHORWAVE is equally investing on both its human workforce and cutting-edge technology equipment, something that is mirrored in its position among the leaders in the field of entertainment.

It is the only all-in-one company. It boasts project management teams for every department, in order to ensure efficient co-operation with the clients and the service they have requested.

All services are sealed with TPN level certification as well as ISO 27001. AUTHORWAVE is a member of the  DPP & Entertainment Globalization Association.